Glenys Lindsay, Minister of the Golden Light was ordained on the 4th November 2007 following more than 20 years in Spiritualism. After years spent with Orthodox and Unorthodox religions, she was introduced to Spiritualism and immediately embraced a religion of Spirit with no dogma.
Just talk to Glenys and it quickly becomes obvious that the Church of the Golden Light is a very special place to her, with a special energy. She will enthusiastically discuss the Golden Light and Spiritualism with anyone who wishes to listen.
As the presiding Minister she is responsible for admin, overseeing the day to day activities of the Church and also the maintenance of the Church.
As the Minister of the Church of the Golden Light, Glenys is also a registered marriage celebrant and performs weddings when required. She regularly conducts ceremonies in the Church including naming, renewal of vows and ceremonies recognizing special events in New Zealand.